JudulPeran APIP Dan Belanja Modal Dalam Pencapaian SDGs 9 Di Indonesia |
Nama: AFNAN |
Tahun: 2025 |
Abstrak In line with the government's performance priorities which are currently focused on accelerating andcontinuing infrastructure development. This research aims to explore the achievement of SDG 9 sustainabledevelopment goals. One of the important factors in supporting economic growth and improving communitywelfare. Focusing on building strong infrastructure, supporting inclusive and sustainable industrialization,as well as innovation, on the capabilities of the Government Internal Monitoring Apparatus (APIP) andbudget control for the achievement of SDGs in Indonesia. This research uses quantitative methods with datafrom local governments in Indonesia from 34 provinces, 98 cities, and 416 districts during 2018 - 2021 witha total of 548 local governments with a final sample of 1,680 observations. The results of this research showthat APIP and capital expenditure have contributed to achieving the SDGs. However, when moderated APIPweakens the influence of capital expenditure in achieving SDG 9. The implication of this research is the needfor regional governments to ensure that capital expenditure funds are allocated strategically to achieveSDGs 9, which includes industry, innovation, and infrastructure. It is hoped that further research can expandthe scope of research by analyzing the impact of the role of APIP and capital expenditure on achieving otherSDGs pillars. |