JudulGaya Bertransaksi Petani Jagung Suku Pedalaman Da'a Dalam Menjual Hasil Panen
Tahun: 2023
ABSTRACT Salsabila C 301 20 191, Da`a Tribe Outback Corn Farmers' Transaction Style in Selling Yields was supervised by Rahayu Indriasari as supervisor. This study aims to reveal the Transaction Style of Da`a Outback Corn Farmers in Selling Their Yields. This research is a qualitative research with an ethnomethodological approach. Data collection techniques are carried out by means of observation, interviews, and are equipped with the results of documentation. This study found two transaction styles, namely: 1) showing the "Ala Tinalu Jole" transaction style, namely sales transaction activities carried out directly between corn farmers and middlemen right in their respective corn gardens, in this sales transaction activity the corn farmers simply wait middlemen who come directly to buy corn using kaili language Da`a dialogue. 2) the transaction style "Mosiala Pale" is a sales transaction activity with the term "baku assist" through an intermediary who helps corn farmers of the Da`a inland tribe in selling their crops directly to the city of Palu, in this sales transaction activity the intermediary represents the corn farmers in interacting with buyers. Keywords: Ethnomethodology, Transaction style and Da`a Outback Tribe

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