JudulThe Effect Of Lokal 0wn-Source Revenue (PAD), Capital Expenditure, AND Remaining Budget Financing (SILPA) On The Performance Of Regional Financial Statements Of Central Sulawesi Province 2017-2021 |
Tahun: 2024 |
Abstrak The purpose of this study is to analyze and obtain empirical evidence regarding the effect of local revenue (pad), capital expenditure, Budget Financing Surplus (SILPA) on the performance of regional financial statements. This empirical research with a population of 11 regencies, 1 city, 1 province with a total of 14 LGUs. The data used in this study are secondary data in the form of annual Budget Realization Reports (LRA). There are 72 samples. This research data is processed using SPSS. The results showed that Regional Original Revenue (PAD) had a positive effect on the performance of regional financial statements, then capital expenditure had a positive effect on the performance of financial statements and the last result was the Remaining Budget Financing (SILPA) had a positive effect on the performance of regional financial statements. The results of this study will provide a valuable explanation of the correlation between variables and will provide relevant views to regulators in order to increase public confidence. |