JudulPengaruh Manajemen Laba Dan Good Corporate Governance Terhadap Profitabilitas Dengan Ukuran Perusahaan Sebagai Variabel Moderasi ( Studi Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Index Saham Syariah Indonesia Periode 2017-2019) |
Tahun: 2023 |
Abstrak ABSTRACT Anita Samende, C 301 17 029. The Influence Of Earning Management and Good Corporate Governance on Profitability With Company Size as a Moderate Variable( Study On Manufacturing Companies Listed on The Indonesian Sharia Stock Index For The 2017-2019 Period. Guide by Muliati and Yuldi Mile. The study is conduced to test and anlyze the earning management and good corporate governace on profitability, and to prove whether a company size can strengthen the relationship between earning manajemen and good corporate governace on profitability. The study is conducted with a secondary data of the annual report on the sharia Indonesia stock index for three periods of 2017-2019. Data collection methods use an purpose sampling. Data analiyze techniques using multiple regression analyze andaabsolute difference test. Studies have shown that earning management has hada significant impact on profitability, the independent commisioning board no influance on profitability. and audit commitee has no influaence on profitability.the company size has proved unable to strengthen the relationship between earning managemen and good corporate governance on profitability. Keywords: Earning Management, Independent Commissioners, , audit committee, profitability, company size. |