Nama: Fariyatul Rhama |
Tahun: 2019 |
Abstrak Fariyatul Rahma, C 301 15 070, The Meaning of Cost in Maudu Lompoa Rituals . Supervised by Nina Yusnita Yamin (I) and Nurlaela Mapparessa (II). This study aims to construct the meaning of cost in the maudu lompoa ritual in Cikoang Village, Takalar District, South Sulawesi. This study uses the interpretive paradigm with phenomenology as an analytical tool. Interviews, observations and documentation analysis are used to collect data. The results of this study indicate that for the Sayyid community and its followers the cost incurred in implementing the ritual maudu lompoa is a routine expenditure every year. Furthermore, this finding found that the meaning of cost for them was as a form of investment they made to prepare for their end-of-life life, the expense also meant as a manifestation of the love they had to the Prophet Muhammad. Besides that the cost could also be defined mutual cooperation to strengthen the relationship between people. The meaning of cost of these expenses shows that there is an exceeding meaning in expenses. This meaning is based on the happiness they feel in carrying out the ritual maudu lompoa. This then formed a rationality of thought for the community of Sayyid and his followers who made happiness as a trigger for the cost of sacrifice in this ritual celebration. Keywords: Cost, Maudu Lompoa, End of Life Investment, Manifertation of Love, Mutual Cooperation (Silaturahim) |