JudulPENGARUH PENERBITAN SUKUK DAN RATING SUKUK TERHADAP REAKSI INVESTOR (Studi Pada Perusahaan Yang Menerbitkan Sukuk YangTerdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2014-2017)
Tahun: 2020
MilasriLadeni (C301 15 031),The Influences OfSukuk Issuance And Ratings Sukuk To Investor Reaction (Study On Indonesia Stock Exchange-Registered Company That Issues Sukuk In 2014-2017). Supervised byMuliati and Tampang. The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of sukuk issuance and sukuk rating toward reaction of investor on Indonesia Stock Exchange-registered companies that issues sukuk. By purposive sampling method, the research involves seven sukuk issued companies as research samples. As a database, it uses financial report, daily stock price list, value of sukuk issuance and sukuk rating along 2014 - 2017. For analysis method, it applies multiple linear regression analysis by using F test and T test. The result of analysis indicates that sukuk issuance and sukuk rating simultaneously have significant influence toward reaction of investor, and partiallythat sukuk issuance have significant influence toward reaction of investor. And sukukrating don’thave significant influence toward reaction of investor. Key word: Sukuk Issuance, Sukuk Rating, Cumulative Abnormal Return

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