JudulPeningkatan Efisiensi Administrasi Ketenagakerjaan Melalui Sistem Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Di Cv Sofie Localfood |
Tahun: 2024 |
Abstrak This research explores Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices in MSMEs. The research study was conducted at one of Palu's typical souvenir shops. Research shows that implementing strategic management decisions improves performance and develops employee potential. SOPs and digitization of employee data provide internal efficiency and positive contributions to the local economy. It is necessary to optimize SOPs, improve HRM practices, and emphasize training to develop technical skills and motivate employees, especially those who have just joined. By implementing appropriate SOPs and HRM practices, MSMEs can continue to develop, contribute positively to local economic growth, and maintain Palu's culinary cultural heritage. This research is expected to expand the literature on developing HRM practices in MSMEs, especially in Indonesia. |