JudulPengaruh Kualitas Produk Dan Harga Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Di Toko Sepatu PD. Cantik Kecamatan Bungku Tengah Kabupaten Morowali |
Tahun: 2023 |
Abstrak Muliati (C20117517) “The Influence of Product Quality and Price on Purchasing Decisions at PD Cantik Shoes Store, at Bungku Tengah District, Morowali Regency.” Under Supervisions of Zakiyah Zahara. The increase of sophisticated technology in the current era makes the fashion industry in Indonesia grows, one of which is the shoe industry. This research aims at determining the influence of product quality and price on purchasing decisions at PD Cantik Shoes Store, at Bungku Tengah District, Morowali Regency. This is a descriptive and causal type of research with 60 respondents. The data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The number of samples were 60 respondents. The data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The results show that product quality and price variables simultaneously give a positive influence on purchasing decisions, product quality partially gives a positive influence on purchasing decisions, and price partially gives a positive but not significant influence on purchasing decisions at PD Cantik Shoes Store, at Bungku Tengah District, Morowali Regency. Keywords: Product Quality, Price, and Purchasing Decision |