JudulAnalisis Jaringan Kerja Dalam Penyelesaian Proyek Pembangunan Hunian Tetap Di Kelurahan Tondo Kecamatan Mantikulore Kota Palu |
Tahun: 2022 |
Abstrak The success of a project can be seen from the suitability and timeliness of completing the project. For that we need an analytical tool to schedule activities. In this study, the analytical tool used is the PERT analysis method. This study aims to determine the project network and project time with the Project Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) approach both in manual calculations and in the assistance of POM-QM Software. The results showed that the type 36 huntap development project at PT. Zaneterra Start International can be completed in 15.42 days, with a 95.63% probability of completion and a target time of completion of 4.37%. Keywords: Network Planning, development, Huntap. |