Tahun: 2021 |
Abstrak ABSTRACT Rahmat Ruslin, C 101 15 108. Analysis of Socio-Economic Condition of Worker at PT. Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) in Keurea Village, Bahodopi Subdistrict, Morowali District. Under the supervisions of Syamsuddin and Ahmad Syatir. This research aims to describe the socio-economic conditions of worker at PT. IMIP. This descriptive research involved 55 worker as the research sample. Data were analyzed through descriptive quantitative. The results of the research show that there is a change in the increase of income of worker after they worked at PT. IMIP, and their social life conditions has change , such as the education for their children, now they can send their children to higher education. In addition, PT. IMIP also provides BPJS employment and family health BPJS guarantees for family members of worker and builds a Health Clinic in the company's location, with the existence of these clinics, worker can seek treatment directly at the clinic that has been provided free of charge through the BPJS Employment card. In addition, several respondents changed their place of treatment, before the existence of PT. IMIP they went for treatment at the public health center but after the existence of PT. IMIP, they chose to seek treatment at the hospital. The increased income changed their lifestyle. Keywords: Socio-Economic, Labor ABSTRAK Rahmat Ruslin, C 101 15 108. Analisis Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Tenaga Kerja Di P.T Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) Desa Keurea Kecamatan Bahodopi Kabupaten Morowali. Yang dibimbing oleh pembimbing utama Syamsuddin, dan pembimbing pendamping Ahmad Syatir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kondisi sosial ekonomi tenaga kerja di P.T IMIP. Tipe penelitian ini adalah deskriptif, sampel yang digunakan berjumlah 55 tenaga kerja, analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perubahan peningkatan pendapatan tenaga kerja setelah mereka bekerja di P.T IMIP, dan kondisi sosial mereka yang juga berubah seperti pendidikan anaknya, yang kini bisa menyekolahkan hingga keperguruan tinggi. Selain itu P.T IMIP juga memberikan jaminan BPJS ketenagakerjaan dan BPJS kesehatan keluarga untuk anggota keluarga tenaga kerja dan membangun Klinik Kesehatan di kawasan lokasi perusahaan, dengan adanya klinik tersebut, para tenaga kerja dapat berobat langsung di Klinik yang telah disediakan secara gratis melalui kartu BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. Selain itu beberapa respoden berubah tempat berobatnya yang dahulu sebelum adanya P.T IMIP mereka pergi berobat kepuskesmas tetapi setelah adanya P.T IMIP mereka memilih untuk berobat kerumah sakit. Pendapatan yang meningkat mengubah gaya hidup mereka. Kata Kunci : Sosial Ekonomi, Tenaga Kerja |