JudulImplementasi Kebijakan Badan Usaha Milik Desa Di Kecamatan Pasangkayu Kabupaten Pasangkayu Sulawesi Barat
Tahun: 2020
Rahmatia Ismail. B 101 15 125 "Implementation of Village-Owned Enterprise Policy in Pasangkayu District". Supervised by Hj. Ani Susanti. This research aims to find out how the implementation of the Village-Owned Enterprise Policy in Pasangkayu District. By using the theory by varn meter and varn horn where there are 6 (six) variables studied, namely Standards and Policy Targets, Resources, Characteristics of Implementing Organizations, Dispositions or Attitudes of Implementers, Communication between related Organizations and Implementation Activities and the Economic, Social Environment. and Politics. It is a descriptive qualitative research type. The type of data is primary and secondary data. The informants were 13 people. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the research show that the size and policy objectives are realistic enough for the socio-cultural environment in the district. Resources owned by Village-Owned Enterprise in the scope of the Pasangkayu sub-district are quite adequate. However, the government needs to strictly select who is the manager of Village-Owned Enterprise, whereas from the characteristics of the Village-Owned Enterprise implementing agent in the Pasangkayu sub-district, if seen from the village government and Village-Owned Enterprise managers the percentage is good enough which has a good response and communication to the problems and needs of the Village-Owned Enterprise manager itself. This policy received a good response from policy implementers but it needs to improve communication between the government and implementers.

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