JudulKinerja Aparatur Sipil (ASN) Pada Kantor Kelurahan Tatura Utara Kecamatan Palu Selatan Kota Palu
Tahun: 2020
The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of the state civil apparatur as the office of the north tatura village, south palu district. the research method used is the basis of qualitative research. there are 7 (7) informants in this research. data collection techniques through observation, interviews anda documentation. the analysis tecnique uses descriptive qualitative. this study uses the theory of employee performance measurement proposed by Agus darma (2003:335), namely quality, quantity and timeliness. the result showed that the performance of employees at the north tatura village office was not optimal. this can be seen in terms of the quality of the result that still need improvement because there are still complaints submitted by the community regarding service, in quantity it is also not good because there are still many obstacles that are found by employees in carrying out work and low work achievment while from the dimension of timeliness it is goos in completion. the work and time used are not in accordance wit the provisions, so there are still delays in receiving service from the urban village.

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