JudulKreatifitas Guru Dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Pada Sekolah Dasar Di Kecamatan Palu Timur
Tahun: 2024
Mohamad Rifaldi Mohi, 2023, Teacher Creativity in Physical Education Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic period elementary School in East Palu District, Palu City. Undergraduate Thesis Program, Health and Recreation Physical Education Study Program, Department of Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Tadulako University. Advisor of the Brotherhood of Abduh. This research is a quantitative descriptive research. The sample in this study was all physical education teachers at the East Palu District elementary schools, Palu City, totaling 23 teachers. The data collection method used in this study is a survey method whose type of research uses quantitative descriptive with a non-experimental approach, The instrument in this study is in the form of a questionnaire containing 74 questions, consisting of 7 indicators: 1) Fluency of thinking, 2) Flexibility, 3) Elaboration, 4) Originality5) Redefinition, 6) Influences, and 7) Persistence. to find out the validity of the instrument using expert tests whose results are processed with the help of Microsoft Excel. Data collection techniques using questionnaires or questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is percentage descriptive analysis. The results showed that teacher creativity in teaching physical education learning during the Covid-19 pandemic in SD East Palu District, Palu City, with the Very Creative category as much as 6 or 26%, the Creative category as many as 10 people or 43%, the Uncreative category as much as 4 or 17%, the Very Uncreative category as much as 3 or 13%. Keywords : Physical Education Teacher Creativity, Physical Education Learning, Covid-19

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