Tahun: 2020
ABSTRAK Fifiyana, 2020. “Survei sarana dan prsarana PJOK pada SMA Negeri sederajat se-Kecamatan Sindue Kabupaten Donggala”. Program Studi Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan rekreasi, Universitas Tadulako. Pembimbing (1) Hendrik Mentara. Berdasarkan permasalahan dalam penelitian ini terfokus bagaimana keadaan sarana dan prasarana PJOK pada SMA Negeri sederajat se-Kecamatan Sindue Kabupaten Donggala. Sehingga penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengertahui keadaan sarana dan prasarana PJOK pada SMA Negeri sederajat se-Kecamatan Sindue Kabupaten Donggala. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei pada sarana dan prasarana PJOK. Jenis penelian ini adalah deskriptif. Intrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dalam bentuk lembar observasi yang berisi nama sarana dan prasrana PJOK. Kategori baik 1 sekolah presentase 50%, dan kategori kurang 1 sekolah dengan presentase 50% serta tidak ada sekolah yang masuk di kategori sangat kurang, itu merupakan hasil dari jumlah keseluruahan dan kondisi sarana dan prasarana. Sedangkan kategori baik 1 sekolah dengan presentase 50?n kategori sangat kurang 1 sekolah dengan presentasi 50% yang hasil dari status kepemilikan sarana dan prasarana, sehingga menunjukan bahwa ada satu sekolah yang berada dikategori sangat kurang. Setelah diketahui hasil dari data penelitian pada SMA Negeri sederajat seKecamatn Sindue Kabupaten Donggala maka secara keseluruhan dapat dikategorikan kurang. Kata Kunci: Survei, Sarana, Prasarana ABSTRACT Fifiyana, 2020. “A Survey of Facilities and Infrastructure of Physical Sport and Health Education in Public Senior High Schools in Sindue Sub-District Donggala District”. Physical Health and Recreation Education Study Program, Tadulako University. Supervisor, Hendrik Mentara. Based on the problems, this research focuses on how the facilities and infrastructure of Physical Sport and Health Education in Public Senior High Schools in Sindue Sub-District, Donggala District are. The research aims at knowing the facilities and infrastructure of Physical Sport and Health Education in Public Senior High Schools in Sindue Sub-District, Donggala District. The research method used a survey method on Physical Sport and Health Education facilities and infrastructure. Type of the research was descriptive. The instrument used the form of an observation sheet containing the names of the Physical Sport and Health Education facilities and infrastructure. 1 school gets good category with a percentage of 50%, and 1 school gets poor category with a percentage of 50% and there are no schools that fall into the very poor category. It is the result of the total number and condition of the facilities and infrastructure. Meanwhile, 1 school gets good category with a percentage of 50% and 1 school gets very poor category with a percentage of 50% which results from the status of ownership of facilities and infrastructure, so it shows that there is one school that is in the very poor category. After knowing the results of the research data in Public Senior High Schools in Sindue Sub-District, Donggala District, overall it can be categorized as deficient. Keywords: Survey, Facilities, Infrastructure

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