JudulPola Pembinaan Keluarga Dalam Mengatasi Perilaku Menyimpang Remaja Di Keluarahan Tatura Utara Kecamatan Palu Selatan
Tahun: 2020
THE PATTERN OF FAMILY UPBRINGING TO OVERCOME TEENAGERS' DEVIANT BEHAVIOR IN TATURA UTARA VILLAGE, PALU SELATAN SUB-DISTRICTTHE PATTERN OF FAMILY UPBRINGING TO OVERCOME TEENAGERS' DEVIANT BEHAVIOR IN TATURA UTARA VILLAGE, PALU SELATAN SUB-DISTRICT Nurvita Sari 1 Imran 2 This problem of this research are (1) what are the pattern of deviant behavior in Tatura Utara Village; (2) What are the pattern of family upbringing in solving teenagers’ deviant behaviors. This research used qualitative descriptive research methods. The techniques of data collection were observation, in-depth interview, and documentation.. Also, this research uses a literature study to complement this paper. The research analysis unit were families that have teenagers who have deviant behavior in Tatura Utara Village, Palu Selatan Sub-district. 10 people were determined as informants using a purposive sampling technique. They were the head of Tatura village, nine from the families that have teenagers who have deviant behavior. The example of deviant behaviors committed by the teenagers in Tatura Utara Village are truancy, disobedient to parents, and riding carelessly. The pattern of family upbringing are creating family harmony, which can be pursued by gathering with family members, especially adolescents who commit deviations, then inserting some pieces of advice regarding faith, worship, morals, and also about deviant behavior. Furthermore, parents provide a good example to adolescents such as how to behave properly. Keywords: pattern of family upbringing, overcome, teenagers' deviant behavior

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