JudulPenerapan Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Larutan Elektrolit Dan Non-Elektrolit Di Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Dampal Selatan
Tahun: 2020
Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a learning model where students learn through practical problems related to real life. Students are directed to solve the problem being discussed through a series of learning and demand students to determine the solution to the problem being discussed. This study aims to improve student learning outcomes by applying the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model on the electrolyte and non-electrolyte reaction material. This type of research is a pre-experimental research design with one group pretest-posttest design. The sample used in this study is all students of class X MIPA batch 2019/2020 (106 students). Based on the analysis of the determination of student learning outcomes for three domains namely cognitive, psychomotor and affective, the average value of the three domains in experimental class 1 is 39,165; 16,716; 26,724, experimental class 2 is 40.0; 16,804; 27,213 and experimental class 3 is 40.80; 17,194; 26,664. In the pretest and posttest stages, students get an average score of pretest in experimental class 1 is 26.44 and the average score of posttest is 77.89 and based on the calculation of descriptive statistics for N-Gain scores show an average result of 0, 69 in the medium category. While the average score of the experimental class pretest 2 is 30.74 and the average score posttest is 80 and based on the calculation of descriptive statistics for the N-Gain union shows an average result of 0.71 in the high category. The average score of the experimental class pretest 3 is 26.17 and the average score is 81.6 and based on the calculation of descriptive statistics for the N-Gain union shows an average result of 0.74 in the high category. The research data are analyzed using descriptive statistics, namely N-Gain calculation. Therefore, it can be concluded that the results of the analysis show that the application of PBL learning models increases the learning outcomes of Grade X MIPA on Electrolyte and Non-Electrolyte solutions material in SMA Negeri 1 Dampal Selatan.

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