JudulPengaruh Model Pembelajaran Group Investigation Terhadap Motivasi Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Di SMP Negeri 1 Sojol
Tahun: 2024
ABSTRACT Khaerunnisa, 2024. "The Effect of Group Investigation Learning Model on Student Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Biology Subjects at SMP Negeri 1 Sojol". Undergraduate Thesis. Biology Education Study Program, Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Tadulako University. (1) I Nengah Kundera. (2) Mohammad Jamhari. This study aims to describe the effect of student motivation and learning outcomes on biology learning with a group investigation learning model at SMP Negeri 1 Sojol. This study uses a quasi-experiment method with a research design that is non-equivalent control group design that uses classes selected randomly cluster that already exists as an experimental group with the influence of the group investigation learning model and the control group with direct learning treatment. The population in this study were all VIII classes. The sampling technique was carried out using purposive sampling technique with research instruments using questionnaires and questions. The samples in this study were class VIII B and class VIII C. The type of data in the study was primary data obtained from student motivation questionnaires and student learning outcomes. The results showed an increase in student motivation and learning outcomes. In the control class motivation there were 80% who were in the very good criteria, and 20% in the good category. While in the experimental class 84.21% were in the excellent criteria, and 15.78% in the good category. So, it can be concluded there is an influence of the group investigation learning model on student motivation and learning outcomes. Keywords: Group Investigation, Motivation and Learning Outcome

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