JudulHubungan Antara Kebiasaan Membaca Dan Penguasaan Kosa Kata Dari Siswa Kelas Delapan SMPN 2 Lembo Raya
Tahun: 2022
ABSTRACT Maya Angella Basampe, A12118274. Correlation between Reading Habit and Vocabulary Mastery of Grade Eight Students at SMPN 2 Lembo Raya. Skripsi. English Education Study Program. Language and Art Education Department. Teacher Training and Education Faculty. Tadulako University, under the supervision of Abdul Kamarudin and Maf’ulah. Reading habit is a reading activity that person will do repeatedly. Vocabulary mastery is an ability of person to understand and mastery the stock of words. The aim of this research is to find out if there is any significant correlation between reading habit and vocabulary mastery of grade eight students at SMPN 2 Lembo Raya. The researcher used correlation research design. The sample of this research was the eight grade students of SMPN 2 Lembo Raya that consisted of 50 students. The instruments of data collection were questionairre and vocabulary test. The technique of data analysis used Pearson Product Moment. Based on the data analysis, the result shows that the rxy was -0.077 and the t-obtained was 0.597. It means that there is no significant correlation between reading habit and vocabulary mastery because in this research, students’ reading habit has no impact on their vocabulary mastery. The reading habit that they have only in reading Indonesia text books while this research focused on English. Keywords: correlation, reading habit and vocabulary mastery

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