JudulPenggunaan Permainan Menebak Dalam Meningkatkan Penguasaan Kosa Kata Siswa Mts Alkhairat Alindau
Tahun: 2022
The aims of this research is to prove that the Use of Guessing game can improve students vocabulary at MTs Alkhairat Alindau. This research was classified by the rsearcher and teacher as a pre-experimental research design. It involved 20 students as the experimental group selected by using simple random sampling sampling. The data was obtained by using test devided into pre-test and post-test. The mean score showed there was an increase from pre-test (65,7) the post-test (81,9), the researcher found that the values of t-counted was 4,06 . by applying degree of freedom (df) (20-1) and 0,05 level of significant. It is found that t-table value was 1,729 while t-counted was (4,06). Therefore the use of guessing game can improve students vocabulary mastery of the seventh graede students at MTs Alkhairat Alindau. Keyword : Guessing Game, Improve, Vocabulary.

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