JudulAnalisa Kecemasan Berbicara Yang Dihadapi Oleh Siswa Kelas Sebelas MA Al-Khairat Kalangkangan
Tahun: 2022
This research aimed to know factors that cause students’ anxiety in speaking English, the way students overcome their anxiety in speaking English and the teacher’s effort to reduce students’ anxiety in speaking English. This research used descriptive qualitative with questionnaire and interview as the instruments in collecting the data. The results shows that there are three factors of students’ anxiety in speaking, namely communication apprehension, test anxiety and fear of negative evaluation. In this research, the researcher also found other factors that influence students’ anxiety in speaking, those are unfamiliar with some aspects in English such as vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar and also the class environment that need to be quiet or calm in order to make students focus to perform speaking. Furthermore, the students’ way to overcome their anxiety is to practice more while the teacher’s ways to help students reduce their anxiety is to allow them to open dictionary, gives feedback and motivates them for not afraid to make mistakes. The implication of this study is the teacher should be aware of the class environment, it is needed to be quiet and give the students time to prepare before performing English to reduce their anxiety in speaking English.

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