JudulMeningkatkan Kemampuan Berbicara Pada Siswa Kelas Sebelas SMA Negeri 4 Palu Melalui Teknik Bercerita
Tahun: 2023
The objective of this research is to find out the effectiveness of using storytelling technique in improving students’ speaking skill. This research was conducted by using a quasi-experimental research design. The researcher gave a pre-test to find out students’ prior knowledge before the treatment, and gave a post-test after the treatment. In the pre-test, the experimental group (XI F) got mean score 25.14, and the mean score of the control group (XI A) is 27.43. While in the post-test, the mean score of experimental group is 46.86, and the mean score of the control group is 40.29. Next, the researcher analyzed the mean deviation of both groups, it found that the mean deviation of the experimental group is 21.71, while the control group is 12.86. After that, the researcher calculated the sum of the square deviation of both groups. The sum of the square deviation of the experimental group is 1452.00, and the sum of the square deviation of the control group is 3114.00. Then, the researcher calculated the t-counted, and the result of t-counted value is 4.50. In order to find out the improvement in students’ speaking skill by using storytelling technique, the researcher calculated t-table value with 0.05 as the level of significance and 68 degrees of freedom, and it is found that the t-counted value (4.50) is higher than the t-table value (1.669). It means storytelling technique is effective to improve students’ speaking skill. Keywords: Improving, Speaking skill, Storytelling technique

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