Tahun: 2021 |
Abstrak Stevanus Aditya Nurcahyo (2021). This Skripsi is entitled "Perceptions on the Effectiveness of Using Whatsapp in Learning English Vocabulary to the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Labschool Untad Palu" Under the supervision of Mochtar Marhum. The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions on the effectiveness of using WhatsApp in learning English vocabulary in class X SMA Lab School Untad Palu. The research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. The technique of data collection was by distributing questionnaire to 51 grade students class through WhatsApp, but only 39 responded it. The researcher did interview to 5 students and one English teacher. The items of questionnaire were into three aspects that is positive, negative, and effectiveness of learning aspects. Interview, the researcher gave twelve to the perception student to the student refindings in order to find out relevant information, and then elaborated on it. After the researchers finished describing the questionnaire data and interviews, the researchers combined the two into conclusions according to the objectives of the research conducted to find out Perceptions on the Effectiveness of Using Whatsapp in Learning English Vocabulary to the Tenth Grade Students SMA Lab School Untad Palu and identify the obstacles faced by students and how the solution. Perceptions from the teacher are online learning activities require learning activities to be carried out independently at home, using WhatsApp that can be reached by all groups, especially Sir as a teacher. WhatsApp really helps Sir in the learning process. The application that is presented is very friendly, practical and there are not many steps to take when operating it. Student perceptions based on the questionnaire show that there are 21 students who strongly agree and 17 students agree or if it is calculated that 98% that WhatsApp is an application that is very easy to use. Based on the results of interviews, the obstacles faced by students during learning to use WhatsApp are :.signal interference, smartphone memory full, lack of interaction, motivation of students, difficult to understand the material provided, learning process, and environment. The solutions in dealing with these obstacles are: giving additional time limit for collecting assignments, providing wider opportunities for students to ask questions, making material more interesting so that it is not boring, and using additional media references. Technically, WhatsApp is quite effective to use as a medium because it is easy to operate and has complete features, but it is less effective in terms of students' understanding of learning vocabulary because the material is too much and the explanation is not deep enough. Keyword : Perception, English Vocabulary, Effectiveness, WhatsApp |