JudulStrategi Pembelajaran Kelas IX MTsN 2 Parigi Dalam Pengembangan Keterampilan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris
Tahun: 2021
Iqlima Ulya Basaria (A 121 17 102). This skripsi entitled “Learning Strategies of Grade IX Students at MTsN 2 Parigi in Developing English Speaking Skill”.Skripsi, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Department of Language and Art Education, English Language Education Study Program, under the supervision of Mukrim. Objective of this research is to find out about the strategies of students in learning speaking skill and the most strategy used by them. This is a descriptive quantitative research because researcher wants to describe strategies used by the students in learning speaking skill. The population was the grade IX students at MTsN 2 Parigi and she used a convenient sampling technique to recruit the participants as the sample. The researcher uses a google-form questionnaire as an instrument to collect data. The result of study shows that all of the grade IX students at MTsN 2 Parigi use direct and indirect strategies in learning speaking, such as memory strategy, cognitive strategy, compensation strategy, metacognitive strategy, affective strategy and social strategy. Additionally, most of them preferred to use a memory strategy since they just learned and memorized the sentences in English by imagining a situation where the sentence can be used, and a cognitive strategy by imitating what teachers said with the correct pronunciation after they were taught the lesson. This finding implies that in developing students’ speaking skill, teachers should take into account the teaching of pronunciation skill. Keywords: English, speaking, skill, learning, strategy, developing.

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