JudulAnalisis Kesulitan Pembelajar EFL Dalam Mempelajari Pemahaman Membaca
Tahun: 2021
This study aims to find out the difficulties faced by the EFL learners and the factors that have caused the difficulties of EFL learners in studying reading comprehension. This study used qualitative design. The data were collected by using library research. In collecting the data, the researcher used six steps: 1) searched valid data and resources relevant with the topic, 2) understanding the content of the available sources, 3) finding out the key information of the sources, 4) taking notes for the essentials information., 5) elaborating the information found from the resources, 6) organizing the described data into their classifications. Based on the findings from the 9 academic writings, the researcher concludes that the difficulties of reading comprehension students encounter are determining main idea, locating reference, understanding vocabulary, making inference, and detail information. From the five difficulties, it is found out the most two difficulties were determining main idea (25%) and understanding vocabulary (25%). It is also found from the findings that the difficulties of reading comprehension are related to the three factors which are learners background, teaching technique, and learners environment. Apparently, learners background become the most appearing difficulties factor for EFL learners with 45% from the data collected. In conclusion, EFL learners in studying reading comprehension still have many difficulties. The various aspects and processes of reading comprehension need to be studied more deeply to lead to a good comprehension.

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