JudulMengidentifikasi Tingkat Kosakata Siswa Kelas X SMA Labschool Untad Palu
Tahun: 2021
The purpose of this study is to find out the vocabulary level of grade X students at SMA Labschool Untad Palu. This research was conducted through descriptive qualitative research design where the results are tabulated and explained. Based on calculations, it was found that the scores of seven students fall into the excellent category (46.67%) because they get the final score range in 95-100; four students' grades fall into a very good category (26.67%) as their final score range is within 91-94; The grades of one student fall into the good category (6.66%) because the student obtained the final score range in 81-90; and three students fall into the poor category (20%) because they get the final score range in 40-74 or below passing grade. In conclusion, the average student’s grade (86) falls into the category of good, successful classification. And the majority of students have good vocabularies when taking the test. On the other hand, there are also some student still find difficulties in vocabulary. This is due to a lack of understanding and knowledge of the background. Keywords: Identifying, Vocabulary, Level.

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