Nama: DUTRI |
Tahun: 2020 |
Abstrak PEMBELAJARAN TEMATIK INTEGRATIF DALAM MEMBACA LANJUT UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN MENULIS KALIMAT PADA SISWA KELAS VI SD INPRES 5 BIROBULI Dutri1, Gusti Alit Suputra dan Yunidar Nur2 1Mahasiswa Prodi Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia Pascasarjana Universitas Tadulako 2Dosen Prodi Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia Pascasarjana Universitas Tadulako ABSTRACT Dutri. 2020. Integrative Thematic Learning in Advanced Reading to Enhance Sentence Writing Ability in Class VI Students of Inpres 5 Birobuli Elementary School, Indonesian Language Study Program, Postgraduate Program at Tadulako University. I Gusti Alit Suputra (Supervisor 1) and Yunidar Nur (Supervisor II). This study describes integrative thematic learning in advanced reading to improve sentence writing skills in Grade VI students of SD Inpres 5 Birobuli and explains the improvement in writing sentence skills through the use of integrative thematic learning in further reading in grade VI students of SD Inpres 5 Birobuli. Further reading is packaged in the form of literacy in the hope that it can be a means of facilitating students in practicing meaningful reading skills so as to deliver students the ability to write sentences properly according to patterns in the rules of writing good and correct Indonesian sentences. Writing is a creative process that is carried out through stages that must be done by mobilizing skills, art, and tips so that everything works effectively. This research is a class action research or classroom action research, which consists of two cycles with the stages of each cycle including: planning (planning); (2) acting; (3) observing (observing); and (4) reflection (reflecting). The results showed: that the results of the ability to write sentences of grade VI students of SD Inpres 5 Birobuli: pre-action students who completed 16 people (classical completeness 53.33%); cycle I 20 (classical completeness 66.67%); teacher activity 78.94% and 69.33% student activity (enough category). The improvement was seen in cycle II, namely: students who completed 27 people (classical completeness 90%); Teacher activities implemented 91.26% (very good categorization); and student activities 89.33% (good category). Based on these results it can be concluded that integrative thematic learning in further reading can improve the ability of Grade VI students of SD Inpres 5 Birobuli in writing sentences. Keywords: Integrative Thematic, Further Reading, and Sentence Writing Ability |